Some students think that subjects as mathematics, physics and others that are compulsory have to be studied only by those who are going to study them further in colleges, whereas others say that they are a part of just an educated and cultured person.
 In my opinion one must study obligatory subjects. First of all, they are the subjects that help students develop their analytical ability. For example, studying these subjects they must, pupils tend to develop an informational view of other facets of life, which might be helpful in the future. Secondly, many careers are not directly linked to these subjects, but studying them helps and supports a better understanding of the world. For instance, one might be really good at mathematics but studying poetry will make their lives more interesting and rich with emotions.
 Some other people say it is a dilemma for many students. As they have to study subjects they hardly ever are going to use in their near future life, they call them useless. They consider such subjects a big waste of time and energy that could be utilized properly.
 Studying vocational subjects helps in acquiring useful knowledge that might be helpful if a person changes their professions, which often happens until they find something they really like.
 For the overall mental growth of a student, supportive subjects play an important role in their lives. Even if such subjects do not directly help him or her in their near future, it might help them eventually as well as develop them as cultural people. That is why I do not oppose studying compulsory subjects.