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Evan Williams


This story is about how the study of English, especially in Moscow, can completely change your life for the better.
I focused on one of my former students, now my niece, Linda, who is now living out her dream in New York.
Moscow Relationships

Here I focused on two classic Moscow characters, Igor and Oleg, and how their different tactics with women and
different ways of thinking brought them very different results.
The YES Attitude

How a way of thinking about things can take you, or not take you to that place where you want to go.

Leaving Your Options Open

How childlike spontaneity can lead you into the beautiful unexpected.....

Have you ever met someone and later asked yourself, "Oh man, how in the world did this meeting take place?"
If you have, you have to listen to this story about Mutual Arising. The meeting place can never be rearranged.

A Near Death Experience

When Mt. Elbrus towers over you, just relax and take one step at a time....

It Will All Fall Into Your Lap !

The Fog Comes on Little Cat Feet

The Meeting Place Cannot be Changed

The Gator Story

Throw Yourself into the Ocean

From Chaos, a Rose

Fate and Deception
No Resting Place
Snowy Evening in the Bobik


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