Essay Sample 19 |
Клековкина Е., Манн |
Comment on the following statement: |
Some scientists perform experiments on animals. However, some people say that this is cruel and unnecessary. |
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? |
Some people say that performing scientific experiments on animals is cruel and unnecessary, whereas others say it is necessary if it serves a higher purpose. I think I think that scientists should have experiments on animals to discover new medicines for treating people. First of all, there is also one question people should ask themselves, "Why is an experiment being performed?" If the answer is “to help save human lives in the future”, then in my opinion it justifies the means. Second, it would be even more cruel to experiment on people. I do not believe that anyone would volunteer for this. At the same time there are people who believe that doing harm to animals is cruel and unnecessary. They believe that people have no moral right to do so and that an animals' lives are as important as human lives. In my opinion these people have a point. At the same time, I think they allow their emotions to cloud their judgment. Yes, it is cruel to harm animals, but it is also necessary. Most of us would agree that we value human lives above all others. If some animals have to die to potentially save hundreds or thousands of human lives in the future, then, sadly, their lives must be sacrificed. In conclusion, I would like to say that sometimes in life we have to make hard choices. There is nothing pleasant about killing animals, no matter how justified our reasons for doing so might be. However, I still support the idea that people should use animals in conducting experiments to do the lesser evil for the greater good. or In conclusion, I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. Experiments on animals may seem necessary but on the whole such things are cruel to animals. Thus, I still support the idea that people should not use animals in conducting experiments. or In conclusion, I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight experiments on animals may seem necessary but on the whole such things are cruel to animals. Thus, I still support the idea that people should not use animals in conducting experiments. |