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Task 3 / Photo №37

These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.


kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 02  kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 03  kak sdat govorenie ege ustnaya chast 04


You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:



● where and when the photo was taken
● what/who is in the photo
● what is happening
● why you keep the photo in your album
● why you decided to show the picture to your friend


You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”






I’ve chosen photo number one.


● introduction


Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture, I never miss it. I have a picture to show you. 


● where and when the photo was taken


The photo was taken a few years ago at our dacha that is not so far from Vladimir town.


● what / who is in the photo


In the photo you can see my younger brother Maxim and my mom with a box of potatoes. They are wearing the same panama hats that have the same colour. They are both dressed in plaid shirts. My Mom is wearing farmer overall jeans while my brother’s jeans are regular. Their sleeves are rolled up. My mom’s shirt is red, my brother's is blue. My mom's hair is braided in a ponytail, draped down her right shoulder. You can see some green plants in the background.


● what is happening


My little brother and my mom are squatting down and holding a box of potatoes that they just collected. They are posing to the camera.


● why you keep the photo in your album


I keep this photo in my album because my mom and brother look so cute and happy here. It reminds me what a great time we had there.


● why you decided to show the picture to your friend


I’ve decided to show this picture to you because you have never been to our dacha. If you see how happy my family is there, you will definitely come to see us and have some fun.


● conclusion


Now you know how my family looks. I hope you will enjoy meeting them soon. 


That’s all I wanted to say.


Read by George William Dole


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