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I want a job!



A French man tried a new way to get a job. He put his résumé on a billboard next to a busy road. It showed the man wenring a Santa Claus hat with a message: “Trilingual operations manager secks position in tourism and leisure.”.
«He put his résumé on a billboard» - Он разместил свое резюме на рекламном щите. (тогда, в прошлом, разместил) (Past Simple – простое прошедшее)



The man did not have to pay. He saved 2,000 euros because the company that owns the billboard decided to give the space for free.
«The man did not have to pay» – Мужчине не пришлось платить (тогда, в прошлом) (Past Simple – простое прошедшее)



About 70,000 people a day could see the CV from their car. This idea worked. A holiday resort gave him a job. He started it ten days after putting his résumé on the billboard.
«A holiday resort gave him a job» - Курорт дал ему работу (Pronouns - местоимения)



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No more public phones



The end is coming for New York’s public payphones. New York City officials said workers would remove all public payphones from the city’s streets soon. Payphones used to be everywhere in the city — on every street corner and in every park and public place.
«New York City officials said workers would remove all public payphones» - Чиновники Нью-Йорка заявили, что рабочие уберут все общественные таксофоны (сказали в прошлом, что уберут в будущем) (Reported Speech – согласование времен)



Many New Yorkers probably won’t even notice the phones are going. Most younger people have not seen one since birth. They may even have to read the instructions to use a phone.
«Most younger people have not seen one since birth» - Большинство молодых людей не видели ни одного с рождения. (не видели с какого-то момента в прошлом и по настоящее включительно) (Present Perfect)



Modern technology means the public phones aren’t needed. Additionally, they take up sidewalk space that could better serve people with disabilities and families with children in strollers.
«they take up sidewalk space that could better serve people» - они занимают место на тротуаре, которое могло бы лучше обслуживать людей (Степени сравнения прилагательных)



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