
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-21 (part 1)


New Zealand: Geography



New Zealand consists of two main islands and a number of smaller islands so scattered that they range from the tropical to the Antarctic. New Zealand is located about 2,012 km southeast of Australia.
(present simple passive)



The two main islands are the North Island and the South Island, separated by Cook Strait. The North Island is 829 km long and volcanic in its south-central part.
(Participle II, “разделённые”, подходит по смысловому контексту)



South Island has the Southern Alps along its west coast, with Mount Cook being the highest point. Other inhabited islands include Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and Great Barrier Island.
(степень сравнения)




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Enough is enough



A woman came to President Abraham Lincoln and told him with a commanding air: “Mr. President, you must make my son a general. Sir, I demand it not as a favor, but as a right. My grandfather fought at Lexington.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время в прошлом.)



My father was the only man who did not run / didn’t run away at Bladensburg.
(past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время в прошлом.)



My husband was killed at Monterrey.”
(past simple passive, он был убит, а не убил)



“I guess, madam,” said Lincoln, “your family has done have done enough for the country. It is time to give somebody else a chance.”
(present perfect, т.к. цитата. Твоя семья сделала “уже” достаточно, есть результат)



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