
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-21 (part 1)





The evolution of pizza was quite long and many cultures contributed to it. Let us have a glimpse of its history.  
(позволим "нам")    



Women of ancient Egypt, Greece and later Rome had recipes  similar to modern ones.    
(woman – ед.ч., women – мн.ч.ед.ч., women – мн.ч.)



The Egyptians had a tradition to celebrate the Pharaoh's birthday with flat loaves looking very much like our modern pizza.     
(Participle I, “которые выглядят, выглядевшие”, подходит по смысловому контексту)



The word 'pizza' appeared in printing at the end of the 10th century for the first time.
(первый раз)



A remarkable event took place in June 1889. The Italian queen Margarita was staying in her summer palace in Naples. It was her birthday and the owner of a very popular pizzeria cooked a special kind of pizza for her. He named it 'Margarita'. It was the best way to make this pizza famous all over the world. 
(goodbetter-the best)



Now pizza is cooked with tomatoes. However, when tomatoes appeared in Europe they were grown as an ornamental plant.   
(present simple passive, общее утверждение)



For a long time people could not / couldn’t believe that tomatoes were edible.
(could – прошедшая форма от can)



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