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A lecture



A famous scientist was on his way to a lecture when his chauffeur offered an idea. “Hey, boss, I have heard your speech so many times already I bet I could deliver it and give you the night off.”
«Hey, boss, I have heard your speech» - «Эй, босс, я слышал твою речь (уже прослушал и …. Прошлое влияет на настоящее.) (Present Perfect – Настоящее совершенное)



“Sounds great,” the scientist said. When they got to the auditorium, the chauffeur walked to the lectern and delivered the speech.
«When they got to the auditorium» - Когда они пришли в зрительный зал. (тогда, конкретная ситуация в прошлом) (Past Simple – простое прошедшее)



Afterward he asked if there were any questions. “Yes,” said one professor and asked a highly technical question. The chauffeur panicked for a moment but quickly recovered. “That’s an easy one,” he replied. “In fact, it’s so easy, I’m going to let my chauffeur answer it!”.
«Afterward he asked if there were any questions» - После этого он спросил, есть (были) ли вопросы. (тогда, конкретная ситуация в прошлом) (Past Simple – простое прошедшее)



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Memory technique



It was a nice summer day. Two elderly couples were enjoying a friendly conversation in the garden when one of the men asked the other, “Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to a month ago?”
«when one of the men asked the other» - когда один из мужчин спросил другого (man – человек, men - люди) (Единственное и множественное)



“Outstanding,” Fred replied. “We were taught visualization, association. We learned all the psychological techniques latest it has made a big difference for me.” “That’s great! What was the name of that clinic?”.
«We learned all the psychological techniques latest it has made a big difference for me.» - «Последнее время мы изучили все психологические методы, и это имело для меня большое значение». (Степени сравнения)



Fred went blank. He thought and thought but could not remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, “What do you call that flower with thorns?” “You mean a rose?” “Yes, that’s it!” Then he turned to his wife and asked, “Rose, what was the name of that clinic?”.
«He thought and thought but could not remember» - Он думал и думал, но не мог вспомнить. (нам нужно прошедшее время и could является прошедшим от can) (Modals – модальные глаголы)



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