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Vegetarian movement



The vegetarian movement started in the 19" century. Why do more and more people join it? Some think that it is healthier not to eat meat.
«Some think that it is healthier not to eat meat» - Некоторые думают, что полезнее не есть мясо. (Степани сравнения)



Others believe that it is cruel to cat animals. The famous writer George Bernard Shaw once said, “Animals are my friends — and I do not eat my friends.”
«Animals are my friends — and I do not eat my friends» - Животные — мои друзья, и я не ем своих друзей. (вообще, общее утверждение, вообще не ем, по жизни) (Present Simple – Настоящее простое)



Finally there are some people who think that growing food for cows and pigs to eat is not very economical.
«who think that growing food for cows and pigs» - которые думают, что выращивание еды для коров и свиней. (Gerund - Герундий) по смыслу подходит герундий.



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A special day



March 8 is a very special day. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
«cultural and political achievements of women» - культурные и политические достижения женщин (moman – женщина, women - женщины) (Единственное и множественное) .



It is meant to appreciate and acknowledge the contribution of all special females in our life.
«It is meant to appreciate» - Это значит ценить. (Present simple Passive – Настоящее простое пассивное)



She can be a mom who balances work and home beautifully or grandma who amazes us with her spirit and courage or might be a sister, daughter, wife or a special friend who brings love and cheer in our lives . It is perfect time to express your feelings and send warm wishes to all those females close to your heart.
«who brings love and cheer in our lives» - кто приносит любовь и радость в наши жизни (в наши – our значит следующее слово должно быть во множественном числе) (Единственное и множественное)



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