Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-30 (part 1)
B4 |
The name Pymatuning is of Indian origin and means ‘Crooked-mouthed man’s dwelling place, referring to an ancient Red Man who was not famous for truth telling. |
B5 |
Before the glaciers swept across northwestern Pennsylvania, the Pymatuning was what it is today — a lake. |
B6 |
However, later the lake was reduced to a swamp by the great ice movements which gouged out the hills of the area and filled in the valleys. |
B7 |
Paradoxically, man has reversed works of the Ice Age to the joy of hunters, sportsmen and naturalists, creating a lake from this once great bog. |
B8 |
Today the lake is 16 miles long with 70 miles of shoreline and is the largest body of water in the state. |
B9 |
The Pymatuning is a major nesting site for Canada geese and other migra-tory birds. |
B10 |
Hunters may use the controlled goose area only once each year. Hunters entering the area must register and be issued / are issued an identification badge. |
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