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Вербицкая М.В., 2020 год
Вербицкая М.В.


На этой странице приведены примеры подхода «Материальное-Духовное». Утверждения, которые условно относятся к «материальному» отмечены цветом и сокращением (мат), а к «духовному» (дух). Более подробно об этом подходе вы можете почитать здесь. 


Essay Sample 01 


Making a good salary is more important than job satisfaction. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара: selary – satisfaction


Синонимы: joy / content with his life / joyful / excited / happy / content with his life / satisfied


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мнениеIn my opinion, to  be satisfied with one’s job is more important than to get good wages. 1. утверждение  First of all, If one is satisfied with his or her job they feel really good. пример For example, a person wakes up every morning and thinks how excitingtheir day is going to be. 2. утверждение  Secondly, it is a scientific fact that those who enjoytheir work live longer and happier lives. пример For instance, positive emotions create positive hormones that prolong people’s lives.


мнениеIn my opinion, to be satisfied with one’s job is more important than to earn a good salary. дух First of all, if one is satisfied with his or her job they feel really good. пример For example, when a person wakes up every morning and thinks about how exciting their day is going to be. мат Secondly, it is a scientific fact that those who enjoy their work live longer and happier lives. пример For instance, positive emotions create positive hormones that prolong people’s lives.

Read by George William Dole



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мнение: I think that first and foremost one should think about is the satisfaction that a job can bring. 1. утверждение  First of allgood feelings bring more good feelings, namely, if a person feels good at work they will feel good in life. It is called the law of attraction that says, "Similar attracts similar". 2. утверждение  Second, if one gets satisfaction from job, they like it and do it better than they would otherwiseAs a rule a person can get a good salary for anything that is done well, since good and professional work is always required.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 02 


It’s better to make a present yourself than to buy it. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара: handmade presents – bought presents


Синонимы: present / gift / stylish / good looking / cute / elegant 


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мнениеIn my opinion, hand-made presents are better than store-bought ones. 1. утверждение First of all, when making a present with one’s own hands people put a piece of their soul into it. пример For example, if a person sees how much work was invested in the gift he or she will be really happy and satisfied. 2. утверждение Secondly, usually hand-made presents cost less than store-bought ones. пример For instance, good brand new things cost a fortune nowadays. One can make a perfectly good gift by just buying some not expensive parts and making a stylish and expensive looking gift.  


мнениеIn my opinionhand-made presents are better than store-bought ones. дух First of all, making a present with one’s own hands people puts a piece of their soul into it. For example, if a person sees how much work someone invested in their gift he or she will be really satisfied. мат Secondly, usually hand-made presents usually cost much less than store-bought ones. For instance, quality brand new things cost a fortune nowadays. One can make a perfect gift just by buying some inexpensive parts and making a stylish and expensive looking gift.  

Read by George William Dole


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мнение I think that it is better to buy a present. 1. утверждение First of all, one has more possibilities to make the person happy. If the he or she gets what they really want, they feel satisfied.  2. утверждение Second, it is faster. Knowing well what the person wants, one can search it on the Internet and order it for them. It is also possible to give them a gift card – a card with some amount of money in it that the birthday person can spend on whatever he or she wants.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 03 


Testing medicines and cosmetics on animals is immoral. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара:  moral - immoral



Синонимы: suffer / bear / endure / creatures / humanity


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мнениеIn my opinion, testing anything that might harm animals is immoral. 1. утверждение First of all, if some medicines or cosmetics are tested on animals, they can suffer or even die because of this. пример For example, rats and other animals often die squeaking and crying due to these kindsof experiments.  2. утверждение Secondly, thesetests killthehumanity in people. пример For instance, those who are cruel with animals are usually cruel with people. There are a lot of examples of this in world literature. 


мнениеIn my opinion In my opinion, testing anything that that might harm animals is immoral. мат First of all, when medicines or cosmetics are tested on animals, they suffer or even die because of this. For example, rats and other animals often die squeaking and crying due to these kinds of experiments. дух Secondly, these tests kill the humanity in people. For example, those who are cruel to animals are usually cruel to people. There are a lot of examples of this in world literature. 

Read by George William Dole


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мнение I think that first of all medicines and cosmetics cannot be treated equally. If one is talking about medicines that can save human lives then animal testing is unfortunate but sometimes necessary.

1. утверждение  I believe that there is a hierarchy of living beings and humans are on the top. So, if in order to save human lives animal sacrifices are unavoidable then that is what we should do.  2. утверждение  At the same time I believe it is very wrong to do it for something that we can easily do withoutnamely cosmetics. Nobody will die without it and if some people want to have it they should volunteer and test it on themselves.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 04 


A popular actor’s life is always fun. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара:  fun – not fun


Синонимы: joy, enjoy /  to be satisfied / content with his / suffer / to be depressed / unsatisfied / disappointed / discontented / dissatisfied.


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мнениеIn my opinion, popular actors’ lives are not as fun as it looks. 1. утверждение   First of all, such actors are always under observation by mass media. пример For example, everybody knows everything about a celebrity, like what he or she eats, with whomthey spend their time and so on. Thisalso happens with all members of their familiesandthat often causes a lot of trouble. 2. утверждение  Secondly, big film projects require a lot of dedication that in turn takes plenty of time and health. пример For instance, after playing the role of a drug addict Benedict Cumberbatch got sick. 


мнениеIn my opinionpopular actors’ lives are not as fun as it looks. дух First of all, such actors are always under unceasing scrutiny by mass media. For example, everybody knows everything about a celebrity, such as what he or she eats, who they spend their time with and so on. This scrutiny also occurs to all their family members which often causes a lot of family troubles. мат Secondly, big projects require a lot of dedication that in turn demands a lot of time and health. For example, after playing the role of a drug addict Benedict Cumberbatch got sick. 

Read by George William Dole

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мнение I think that popular actors have less fun than others.

1. утверждение First of all, all details of their lives are on the pages of popular magazinesAs far as I know acting is hard work that takes a lot of energy and time.  2. утверждение Many actors also try to live up to the expectations of others, their fans, mass-media etc., which is actually no fun at all. They are not free to be themselves and it a big burden.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 05 


A university degree is a must for success in the modern world. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара: absolutely necessary – not really necessary


Синонимы: joy / content with his life / joyful / excited / happy / content with his life / satisfied


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мнениеIn my opinion, a university education is absolutely necessary for a person in the modern world. 1. утверждение  First of all, without having a higher education, one has lesschances to get a good job. пример For example, every big company has a form with at least onequestion about education. If a person does not have a university education he or she isprobablynot going to get the job.  2. утверждение  Secondly, an integral part of the modern world is socialization and communication which university friends make more joyful and pleasant. пример For instance, graduation froma university gives a person a lot of friends with wide interests and communication with themis satisfying.


мнениеIn my opiniona university education is absolutely necessary for a person in the modern world. мат First of all, without possessing a higher education, one has little chance to get a good job. For example, every big company has an employment form with a question about the applicant’s formal education. If a person does not have a university education he or she is not probably not going to get a well-paying, good job. дух Secondly, an integral part of the modern world is socialization and communication which university friends make more joyful and pleasant. For instance, graduation from any university connects a man or woman with lots of alumni friends with wide interests and communicating with them is very satisfying.

Read by George William Dole


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мнение I think that a university degree is desirable but not absolutely necessary. 

1. утверждение  First of all, there are examples of very successful people some of whom never finished college. Steve Jobs or Bill Gates did not get a university degree but they are known as very successful businessmen.  2. утверждение  Secondlyuniversity can help people to develop specific skills but they do not owe this knowledge. Nowadays all the information is available online, one just needs to know where to look. If a person is really determined he or she can learn whatever they want himself.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 06 


The life of animals in a zoo is safer and happier than in their natural habitat. <<<< всё сочинение

Пара: safer and happier – not safer and happier 


Синонимы: develop skills / diverse / reflexes / attention / fatal / route 


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мнениеIn my opinion, animals live safer and happier lives in zoos. 1. утверждение First of all, they do not have to fight for food which makes their lives definitely safer. пример For example, every day at the same time animals get their portion of nutritious food.  2. утверждение  Secondly, their lives are taken care of. пример For instance, if an animal gets sick a doctor comes and cures it, whereas in the wild such an animal probably would not survive. 

Moreover, I consider that those animals that were born in zoos are happier there. 


мнениеIn my opinion, animals live safer and happier lives in zoos. мат First of all, they do not have to fight for food, which makes their lives definitely safer. For example, every day at the same time animals get their satisfactory portion of nutritious food. Secondly, their lives are taken care of medically. For instance, if an animal gets very sick a veterinarian comes and cures it, whereas in the wild such an animal might probably not survive. Moreover, I consider that those animals that were born in zoos are happier there.  

Read by George William Dole


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мнение I think that it is definitely safer and happier.

1. утверждение First of all, predators usually hunt their prey in their natural environment but in zoos the animals are safe. 2. утверждение  Secondly, the animals are fed regularly. If an animal gets sick a doctor helps it. As for the happiness, their lives are happy there as well. Most the animals were born in zoos, they do not really know anything else.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 07 


Young people like travelling more than senior citizens are. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара: young – senior 


Синонимы: joy / content with his life / joyful / excited / happy / content with his life / satisfied


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мнение: In my opinion, young people like travelling much more than elderly ones. 1. утверждение First of all, their health is good which allows them toenduremany difficulties that a traveler might have. пример For example, when visiting hot countries, young people can deal with and tolerate extreme heat much better than elderly people.  2. утверждение  Secondly, the joy that they derive from such trips is higher than pensioners have because their life is full of desires and expectations for something new and exciting. пример For instance, young travelers go to different places to see new different ways of living, nationalities, which brings them a lot of positive emotions. 


мнениеIn my opinion, young people like travelling much more than others. мат First of all, their health is good which allows them to endure many difficulties better than senior travelers can endure. For example, when visiting countries with hot climates, unlike elderly people, young people can endure higher heat much better. дух Secondly, the joy that they derive from such trips is higher than pensioners have because their life is full of desires and expectations for something new and exciting. For instance, young travelers go to different places to see new ways of life and different national cultures, which bring them a lot of positive emotions. 

Read by George William Dole


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мнение I think that young people like travelling more.

1. утверждение First of all, they are usually eager to see other countries, learn something new and socialize with foreigners. All these desires are integral to their age.  2. утверждение  Secondly, they have their lives ahead of them and have a lot of expectations. Young people have also a lot of energy and like to be explorers, definitely more than seniors do.

Read by Neil Geitz


Essay Sample 08 


Sewing or knitting clothes at home today is a waste of time and money. <<<< всё сочинение


Пара: waste – not waste


Синонимы: joy / content with his life / joyful / excited / happy / content with his life / satisfied


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мнениеIn my opinion, sewing or knitting is a great thing to do. 1. утверждение  First of all, brand new things cost a fortune nowadays. пример For example, a stylish sweater from a boutique definitely cost thousands of rubles more than the priceof the materials it is made of. While, a knitted one can cost much less but not look any worse.  2. утверждение  Secondly, making things with ones own hands gives a lot of satisfaction to the receiving person. пример For instance, a person who lives  in the world of creativity, where he or she invents something new and original that nobody has made before, gets a lot of pleasure from making things by hands.


мнениеIn my opinion, sewing or knitting is a great thing to do. мат First of all, brand new clothes cost a fortune nowadays. For example, a stylish sweater from a boutique might cost thousands of times the price of the material it is made of, while a home knitted one can cost much less but look just as good. дух Secondly, making things with one’s own hands gives a lot of satisfaction to a person. For instance, a person enters the world of creativity where he or she invents something new and original that nobody has made before, which gives a lot of pleasure. 

Read by George William Dole


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мнение I think that sewing or knitting might be a lot of fun.

1. утверждение First, you will have a pretty garment that nobody else has. It will emphasize your individuality. 2. утверждение Second, the process itself is quite meditative. It calms people’s nerves. It’s also going to be cheaper as nowadays good things are quite expensive.

Read by Neil Geitz





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