[Shack Forms] Init failed

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linking words 1

1. abandon /əˈbændən/ отказаться, покидать
leave, desert, forsake
"She had to abandon her project due to lack of funding."
2. abduction /æbˈdʌkʃən/ похищение
kidnapping, seizure, capture
"The police responded to the abduction of a young child."
3. abstract /ˈæbstrækt/ абстрактный
theoretical, conceptual, intangible
"His painting has an abstract quality."
4. accumulate /əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/ накапливать
collect, gather, amass
"She managed to accumulate a lot of experience over the years."
5. accuracy /ˈækjʊrəsi/ точность
precision, correctness, exactness
"Accuracy in data entry is very important."
6. accuse /əˈkjuːz/ обвинять
blame, charge, indict
"He was accused of lying to the board."
7. acquire /əˈkwaɪər/ приобретать
obtain, get, receive
"He acquired a new skill at work."
8. acquisition /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃən/ приобретение
purchase, obtaining, buy
"The company’s latest acquisition boosted its revenue."
9. adapt /əˈdæpt/ адаптироваться
adjust, modify, accommodate
"They adapted to the new environment quickly."
10. addictive /əˈdɪktɪv/ вызывающий зависимость
habit-forming, compulsive, obsessive
"Many find caffeine to be quite addictive."
11. adjacent /əˈʤeɪsənt/ смежный, прилегающий
adjoining, neighboring, next to
"The park is adjacent to the library."
12. adjust /əˈʤʌst/ регулировать
alter, modify, tune
"She adjusted the seat for comfort."
13. adolescent /ˌædəˈlɛsənt/ подросток
teenager, youth, young adult
"Adolescents go through many changes."
14. advent /ˈædˌvɛnt/ наступление, приход
arrival, appearance, onset
"The advent of the internet changed everything."
15. adversely /ˈædvɜːrsli/ неблагоприятно
negatively, harmfully, detrimentally
"His health was adversely affected by the climate."
16. advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ сторонник, защитник
supporter, promoter, champion
"She is a strong advocate for women's rights."
17. affection /əˈfɛkʃən/ привязанность
love, fondness, warmth
"His affection for his dog was evident."
18. affluence /ˈæfluəns/ богатство
wealth, prosperity, abundance
"They lived in a neighborhood known for affluence."
19. aggravate /ˈæɡrəveɪt/ усугублять
worsen, intensify, exacerbate
"The situation was aggravated by the delay."
20. aggregate /ˈæɡrɪˌɡeɪt/ совокупный
total, collective, combined
"The aggregate score was enough to secure the win."
21. agnostic /æɡˈnɒstɪk/ агностик
skeptic, doubter, nonbeliever
"An agnostic person is uncertain about religious beliefs."
22. allegedly /əˈlɛʤɪdli/ якобы
supposedly, reportedly, apparently
"He allegedly committed the crime."
23. allegiance /əˈliːʤəns/ лояльность, преданность
loyalty, devotion, fidelity
"He pledged allegiance to the flag."
24. allocate /ˈæləˌkeɪt/ выделять
assign, distribute, allot
"They allocated funds to the new project."
25. amateurish /ˈæmətʊərɪʃ/ любительский
unskilled, inexpert, clumsy
"His first attempts were amateurish but improved over time."
26. ambiguous /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ двусмысленный
unclear, vague, uncertain
"The message was ambiguous and caused confusion."
27. amend /əˈmɛnd/ исправить
revise, alter, modify
"They amended the contract after negotiations."
28. analyze /ˈænəˌlaɪz/ анализировать
examine, study, scrutinize
"Researchers analyze data to find trends."
29. ancestral /ænˈsɛstrəl/ наследственный, родовой
familial, hereditary, inherited
"They visited their ancestral lands."
30. anesthesia /ˌænɪsˈθiːʒə/ анестезия
sedation, numbing, unconsciousness
"The surgery required anesthesia."
31. animism /ˈænɪˌmɪzəm/ анимизм
spirit belief, shamanism, nature worship
"Animism attributes souls to natural objects."
32. annex /ˈænɛks/ присоединить
add, append, incorporate
"The country decided to annex the territory."
33. anomaly /əˈnɒməli/ аномалия
irregularity, deviation, aberration
"Scientists discovered an anomaly in the data."
34. anticipate /ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪt/ ожидать, предвосхищать
expect, foresee, predict
"They anticipated a good outcome."
35. antipathy /ænˈtɪpəθi/ антипатия
dislike, aversion, hostility
"She felt strong antipathy towards corruption."
36. apex /ˈeɪpɛks/ вершина
peak, summit, pinnacle
"She reached the apex of her career."
37. apprehend /ˌæprɪˈhɛnd/ задерживать
capture, detain, arrest
"Police apprehended the suspect."
38. arbitrary /ˈɑːrbɪˌtrɛri/ произвольный
random, capricious, unplanned
"The decision seemed arbitrary."
39. arrogantly /ˈærəɡəntli/ высокомерно
proudly, haughtily, boastfully
"He arrogantly dismissed their suggestions."
40. artillery /ɑːrˈtɪləri/ артиллерия
weapons, cannons, heavy arms
"The artillery was positioned for defense."
41. ascertain /ˌæsərˈteɪn/ удостовериться
verify, confirm, determine
"They tried to ascertain the truth."
42. assail /əˈseɪl/ нападать
attack, assault, strike
"He was assailed by doubts."
43. assess /əˈsɛs/ оценивать
evaluate, appraise, judge
"Experts assess the building’s condition."
44. asset /ˈæˌsɛt/ актив
resource, benefit, possession
"His skills are a valuable asset to the team."
45. assimilate /əˈsɪməˌleɪt/ ассимилировать
integrate, absorb, incorporate
"Newcomers often need time to assimilate."
46. associate /əˈsoʊʃiət/ (noun) /əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt/ (verb) ассоциировать
connect, relate, link
"Many associate the color blue with calmness."
47. astrological /ˌæstrəˈlɒʤɪkəl/ астрологический
zodiacal, horoscopic, celestial
"She was interested in astrological predictions."
48. atheist /ˈeɪθiɪst/ атеист
nonbeliever, skeptic, agnostic
"As an atheist, he didn’t believe in deities."
49. augment /ɔːɡˈmɛnt/ увеличивать
increase, enhance, expand
"They aimed to augment their income."
50. authority /əˈθɔːrɪti/ власть
power, control, influence
"He questioned the authority of the leadership."



TOEFL слова 51-100 




Igor Shavkunov

Igor Shavkunov

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