[Shack Forms] Init failed

1. battle /ˈbætəl/ бой, сражение
fight, conflict, struggle
"The soldiers were prepared for the battle."
2. be inclined to /bi ɪnˈklaɪnd tə/ склоняться к
tend to, be likely to, favor
"I’m inclined to believe her story."
3. berate /bəˈreɪt/ ругать
scold, criticize, rebuke
"She berated her son for his laziness."
4. biased /ˈbaɪəst/ предвзятый
prejudiced, partial, one-sided
"The news report seemed biased."
5. bitterly /ˈbɪtərli/ горько
harshly, resentfully, severely
"She spoke bitterly about her past."
6. bond /bɑnd/ связь
connection, link, attachment
"They share a strong bond of friendship."
7. bribery /ˈbraɪbəri/ взяточничество
corruption, pay-off, graft
"He was arrested for bribery."
8. bulk /bʌlk/ масса
majority, mass, large portion
"The bulk of the work is complete."
9. burden /ˈbɜrdən/ бремя
load, weight, responsibility
"He carries a heavy burden."
10. bureaucratic /ˌbjʊrəˈkrætɪk/ бюрократический
administrative, procedural, officialdom
"The process is very bureaucratic."
11. candidate /ˈkændəˌdeɪt/ кандидат
applicant, contender, nominee
"She’s a candidate for mayor."
12. capricious /kəˈprɪʃəs/ капризный
unpredictable, erratic, impulsive
"The weather here is capricious."
13. cartel /kɑrˈtɛl/ картель
syndicate, coalition, consortium
"The oil cartel sets prices."
14. cast /kæst/ бросать
throw, hurl, project
"He cast his net into the water."
15. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɑfɪk/ катастрофический
disastrous, devastating, tragic
"The earthquake was catastrophic."
16. cause /kɔz/ причина
reason, origin, source
"The cause of the fire is unknown."
17. cease /sis/ прекращать
stop, end, halt
"The noise finally ceased."
18. certifiably /ˈsɜrtɪˌfaɪəbli/ удостоверенно
undeniably, officially, verifiably
"She’s certifiably insane."
19. charismatic /ˌkɛrəˈzmætɪk/ харизматичный
charming, magnetic, alluring
"The leader is very charismatic."
20. chronologically /ˌkrɑnəˈlɑʤɪkli/ хронологически
sequentially, in order, historically
"Events were listed chronologically."
21. circulate /ˈsɜrkjəˌleɪt/ распространять
distribute, spread, flow
"The air needs to circulate."
22. civil /ˈsɪvəl/ гражданский
polite, courteous, societal
"They have civil rights."
23. clique /klik/ клика
faction, group, inner circle
"They formed an exclusive clique."
24. coalition /koʊˈlɪʃən/ коалиция
alliance, partnership, union
"They formed a coalition government."
25. coerce /koʊˈɜrs/ принуждать
compel, pressure, force
"He was coerced into signing."
26. cohesion /koʊˈhiʒən/ сплоченность
unity, togetherness, solidarity
"Team cohesion is crucial."
27. coincide /ˈkoʊɪnˌsaɪd/ совпадать
align, concur, synchronize
"Their interests coincide."
28. collapse /kəˈlæps/ крах
failure, breakdown, fall
"The bridge collapsed."
29. collide /kəˈlaɪd/ столкнуться
crash, clash, impact
"The cars collided on the road."
30. combustion /kəmˈbʌsʧən/ горение
burning, ignition, incineration
"Combustion releases heat."
31. commodity /kəˈmɑdəti/ товар
product, item, goods
"Oil is a valuable commodity."
32. compensate /ˈkɑmpənˌseɪt/ компенсировать
repay, offset, reimburse
"He compensated for his mistake."
33. complex /ˈkɑmplɛks/ сложный
complicated, intricate, multifaceted
"It’s a complex problem."
34. complication /ˌkɑmpləˈkeɪʃən/ осложнение
difficulty, obstacle, issue
"There was a complication in surgery."
35. component /ˈkɑmpənənt/ компонент
part, element, piece
"Each component is vital."
36. compress /kəmˈprɛs/ сжимать
squeeze, condense, reduce
"Compress the file to save space."
37. concentrated /ˈkɑnsənˌtreɪtɪd/ концентрированный
focused, condensed, intense
"The area is highly concentrated."
38. condemn /kənˈdɛm/ осуждать
criticize, denounce, reproach
"They condemned his actions."
39. confide /kənˈfaɪd/ доверять
trust, disclose, reveal
"She confided her fears to him."
40. conflict /ˈkɑnˌflɪkt/ конфликт
clash, dispute, struggle
"They had a minor conflict."
41. connotation /ˌkɑnəˈteɪʃən/ коннотация
implication, undertone, nuance
"The word has a negative connotation."
42. conquest /ˈkɑnkwɛst/ завоевание
victory, domination, takeover
"The conquest of new lands."
43. consciously /ˈkɑnʃəsli/ сознательно
deliberately, intentionally, knowingly
"She made a conscious choice."
44. consequence /ˈkɑnsəˌkwɛns/ последствие
result, outcome, effect
"Actions have consequences."
45. constraint /kənˈstreɪnt/ ограничение
limitation, restriction, restraint
"Time constraints affected the project."
46. contamination /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ загрязнение
pollution, taint, impurity
"Water contamination is a concern."
47. contemplate /ˈkɑntəmˌpleɪt/ размышлять
consider, ponder, reflect
"She contemplated her future."
48. contemptuous /kənˈtɛmptʃuəs/ презрительный
disdainful, scornful, disrespectful
"He gave a contemptuous glance."
49. contest /ˈkɑnˌtɛst/ конкурс, оспаривать
competition, dispute, challenge
"They held a singing contest."
50. context /ˈkɑntɛkst/ контекст
background, setting, circumstance
"In this context, it makes sense."

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