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Otters' role in the ecology of rivers


Furry river otters often sound like squeaky toys. They like to fight each other or frolic in the water. Seeing these cute, ………………… animals is good fun. It is also good news for the environment.



The population of otters can indicate how ………………… the environment is. The otters experienced a steep drop in numbers in the 1900s.



This was because of extensive fur ………………… and toxins in the water. They are not considered endangered today, though. Otters look for habitats with clean water and a lot of healthy fish.



Researchers look for contaminants and parasites in otter excrement. This helps ………………… learn about the health of the surrounding environment and its food sources.



For example, the Elizabeth River was long considered a "dead river" because of ………………… . It is now flourishing. As a result, in the past five years, a great many more otters have been seen there.