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The 'Chicken or Egg' question


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Believe it or not, this question has its roots in ancient Greece, where philosophers used it as an excuse to argue about cause and effect.



Some might say the chicken came first. Others may disagree that the egg came first since all chickens begin life inside of an egg. The question has a rather simple answer if you talk to an ancient egg expert. Basically, the egg is much older than the chicken.



Chickens probably were kept by people starting about 10,000 years ago. The animals they come from are known as jungle chicken and date back 21 million years. Unbelievable, right?



The earliest eggs were soft, sort of like turtle or echidna eggs you might see on the beach. The harder protective shell came later.



By the way, egg-laying is part of our evolutionary development. In other words, if you go back far enough in time, humans have ancestors that would have laid eggs. Now, here's a question for you - which came first, the egg or the echidna?