
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-05 (part 1)


Famous British?


B4 A recent international survey on the most important British people of all time yielded some interesting results. It out that three of the top ten most famous Brits probably never ever existed! This result has rather disappointed some. They think it is a shame that the people of the world have recognized as real, historical characters, three fictional characters as being among our nation's top ten most well-known as influential.
"Turned" - оказалось, форма Past Simple используется для описания завершенного действия в прошлом. Перевод: It turned out - Оказалось.
B5 So who are these three, who Henry ... and David Beckham a top 10 place? Who stepped over John Lennon and Guy Fawkes in world esteem? Which 3 stand head and shoulders in fame above Margaret Thatcher and Queen Victoria?
"Denied" - отказали, форма Past Simple используется для описания завершенного действия в прошлом. Перевод: Who denied Henry - Кто отказал Генри.
B6 Nottingham exists and so does Sherwood Forest but, People of the World, please understand that Mr. R. Hood never existed! Of course there are stories and legends of various robber but the story of Robin Hood is as historically accurate as that of Father Christmas.
"Heroes" - герои, форма plural noun используется для обозначения множества персонажей. Перевод: Various robber heroes - Различные разбойничьи герои.
B7 Finally who could be so important, in world opinion, to in fame above Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Bean (sorry - Rowan Atkinson)? The answer of course is that romantic, sword twirling, nation saving monarch with a round table - King Arthur.
"Hold" - удерживать, форма infinitive используется после "to" для выражения цели. Перевод: To hold in fame - Удерживать в славе.
B8 You could of course read lots of books that argue for and against King Arthur. Or you could take my word for it - he never existed! Certainly he a top ten place. Neither in my opinion does Princess Diana, who is also in the top 10.
"Does not deserve" - не заслуживает, форма Present Simple используется для выражения мнения. Перевод: He does not deserve - Он не заслуживает.



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