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The best place for me


I am so lucky to live where I live. I "need" in my life to enjoy BOTH country and city life. I could not manage living my whole life in just one or the other. I sometimes need company and noise; sometimes just peace and quiet.

My small village …………………………… Ovingdean. It is in East Sussex, England.



It has an 11th Century Church and probably …………………………… a settlement for more than 2000 years. We live at the edge of the village, next to a working farm.



But just 2 miles away and …………………………… by a low hill, is the lovely, modern city of Brighton. Brighton is a fantastic place to shop.

It also has a famously varied and exciting nightlife. There are cinemas, restaurants and an unbelievable array of nightclubs and live music venues.



In the village I "feel" the seasons. Every day I wake to birdsong and the nearby lowing of cattle. In Spring we see fox cubs, wildflowers and nests full of chicks. In the autumn the fields and threes turn golden. We particularly enjoy the local wildlife and …………………………… when and where to go if we want to see an owl, a badger or even a grass snake.



But I would only feel half human if I could not, several  …………………………… a week, make the 7 minute drive to the center of our bustling city. In Brighton - the lights are always bright. In Brighton you are never alone.



But I would only feel half human if I could not, several times a week, make the 7 minute drive to the center of  …………………………… bustling city. In Brighton - the lights are always bright. In Brighton you are never alone.



Leaves and twigs or restaurants and cinemas? Quiet fields or noise markets? City fumes or country air? In life most people have to make a choice. I do realize how lucky I am because this particular question …………………………… me, never ever.


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