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English Grammar Test


Используйте Present Perfect, чтобы описать действие, которое произошло в прошлом, но связано с настоящим. Чаще всего употребляется с наречиями just, already, yet. Для образования утвердительных предложений используйте 'have' или 'has' + глагол с окончанием '-ed' (или третью форму глагола). ❌ I see this movie. (Неправильно) ✅ I have seen this movie. (Правильно).

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple или Past Continuous.


18. Where you the news? (to learn)

19. they of everything? (to think)

20. they a lot of food? (to buy)

21. Mark just ten bottles of Coke and four kinds of mineral water. (to order)

22. He peanuts, but he any. (to mention, to not order)

23. He of tea and fancy cakes. (to think)

24. The shop everything to Mark's credit card. (to charge)

25. Why you ? - I because I cold. (to shiver, to shiver, to be)

26. I my ankle again. (to sprain)

27. A world-famous violinist at tonight's concert. (to play)

28. The children with their train set the whole evening yesterday. (to play)


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