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Writing 9

You have 20 min to do this task. 
This is part of a letter from Kelly, your English pen friend:

     ... Great news is that I've become chess champion in my age category. But there is also bad news — a running competition for all the students of our school. I feel nervous and scared as athletics isn't my style of life at all...
How can a person get ready for the running competition? Do I need to lose a few extra kilos? How is it possible to just quickly get in shape?

Write a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 – 200 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Moscow, Russia


Dear Kelly,        Thank you for your letter. I really sympathize with you and would like to share my own experience.        First of all, start doing morning exercises and attend your P.E. classes,trying to behave naturally, as if you are already quite fit. Secondly, start jogging in the morning and then it will be much easier for you to start really running.        And finally, mind that it's impossible to get in shape quickly. I think you shouldn't overeat and (remember!) don't even look at cakes.        Next time I'll send you my mum's special diet.        Sorry, have to stop.        Write back.
       Best wishes,





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