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Общее время ответа одного участника ОГЭ (включая время на подготовку) – 15 минут. Каждое последующее задание выдаётся после окончания выполнения предыдущего задания. Всё время ответа ведётся аудиозапись. Постарайтесь полностью выполнить поставленные задачи, говорить ясно и чётко, не отходить от темы и следовать предложенному плану ответа. Так Вы сможете набрать наибольшее количество баллов.


Задание №1. прочитать текст 2 балла 
Задание №2. задать (прямые) вопросы6 баллов
Задание №3. описание картинки 7 баллов

ИТОГО: 20 баллов



В этом задании вам необходимо прочитать правильно текст, не допустив ошибок. Давайте разберём это задание на демоверсии 2018года.


Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения – не дольше 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 2 балла


Task 1

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.


Scientists have long been working on new orbital technologies for growing plants. They tried to grow different plants on the International Space Station. Then the plants were sent back to the Earth for further study. This year, for the first time, astronauts could eat green leaves grown in space. Space farming is extremely important for the future space missions planned to Mars because it gives fresh food and vitamins. The new plant growing system is very smart. It informs humans when the plants need water. Special sensors measure the thickness of the leaves. If they become too thin, detectors send signals. This technology helps save water in space and grow a good harvest.


Read by George William Dole

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Посмотреть все 20 заданий №3 надиктованных носителем языка.


Задание № 2


Вам предлагается принять участие в условном диалоге- расспросе: ответить на шесть услышанных в аудиозаписи вопросов телефонного опроса.


Подготовка – 0 минут
Время выполнения2 минуты
Ваши вопросы – по 40 секунд на вопрос
Балы за это задание – 6 баллов (по баллу за вопрос)


Task 2

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer the six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.


Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.


Electronic assistant: What time do you usually come back from school?
Student: Usually I come back from school at around 3 p.m. It depends on the day, though. A few days a week I come back at 4 p.m.


Electronic assistant: How much time does it take you to do your homework?

Student: As a rule, it does not take longer than 2 hours. Then again, every day is different. It depends on many things. I would say that on average it takes one hour and a half to do my homework.


Electronic assistant: What are your Sundays like?
Student: Well, my Sundays are usually busy. In the morning I go to gym. Then I do my homework. After finishing my homework, I go to see my friends. Then we hang out in a park or play football until sunset.


Electronic assistant: Which chores do you do at home to help your parents?
Student: Actually, I have many chores. First of all, a main daily duty is to walk and feed our dog. Also, I have to clean my room and the living room twice a week. My mom asks me go shopping often. She makes a list of things she needs to buy and then I buy them.


Electronic assistant: What chores would you like to delegate to a home robot?
Student: Francly speaking, I would love to delegate the house cleaning to a home robot. I find it quite boring and mechanical.


Electronic assistant: What advice would you give to a teenager who hates cleaning his room?

Student: Personally, I hate cleaning my room too. But I do it because I know that it’s important. Perhaps, I hate dust more. So cleaning the room is the best choice to solve this problem. 


Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Read by George William Dole

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Задание № 3


Вам необходимо построить связное монологическое высказывание на определённую тему с опорой на план. Время на подготовку – 1,5 минуты.


Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время ответа – 2 минуты (10 - 12 предложений)
Балы за это задание – 7 баллов


Task 3

You are going to give a talk about learning English. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).


Remember to say:


● why, in the era of TV and the Internet, radio is still very popular with some people;

● what kind of radio programmes young people usually listen to;

● whether you would like to work for a radio station; why / why not.


You have to talk continuously.




Listening to the radio gives a lot of joy and positive emotions. People still listen to the radio in this era of TV and the Internet.


I think that radio is still popular because you can listen to it while you are on your way somewhere. When we are driving to, say, St. Petersburg or to our friends’ dacha we are also listening to a radio.


As far as I know, different hit parades are popular among young people. Personally, I like hit parades on “Like FM”. One of my friends listens to audio books on another station. Another friend of mine listens to analytical programs on “Business FM”. He is going to become a financial analyst.


As for me, I would like to try to work at a radio station. I’ve seen many movies where the main characters worked as DJs or hosts at a radio station. So I’d like to try it out. I am sure I would make a good host. It must be very interesting and exciting.


That’s all I wanted to say. 


Read by George William Dole

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Банк заданий демонстрационных вариантов по английскому, ОГЭ (9-й класс).