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Night birds


What do you know about night birds? They are wonderful creatures.



Some birds, such as the poorwill, hunt insects at night when there is less competition for prey. The barn owl is perfectly adapted for night-time hunting. Its eyes are very large and sensitive to the dimmest light.



The fluffy edges of the owl’s feathers soften the sound wing beats so the owl can swoop silently on its prey.



The kakapo is the only parrot that is active at night. All other parrots are daytime birds that live in and around trees. During the day the kakapo sleeps, and at night it comes out to find fruit, berries and leaves to eat. The kakapo only lives in New Zealand.



Like bats, the oilbird uses sounds to help it fly in darkness. As it flies, it makes clicking noises which bounce off objects in the caves in South America where it lives, and help the bird find its way. Unlike most birds, the kiwi has'a good sense of smell which helps it find food at night.