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Jeff Bezos1 Jeff Bezos2
Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos




01face 02hair 03forehead 04eyebrows 05eyes 06ears 07nose 08lips 09chin



pir 1

linking words 1

In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете увидеть мужчину.

He looks around 50 years old.

Он выглядит на около 50 лет.

His hair is grey colored in the second picture and he is bold in the first one. 

Его волосы седые на втором изображении, а на первом – он лысый.

His forehead is slopped.

Его лоб покатый.

His eyes are brown.

У него карие глаза.

His nose is slightly curved in the center.

Его нос слегка изогнут в центре.

His lips are natural.

Его губы натуральные.

He has an oval face.

У него овальное лицо.

His ears are long.

Его уши длинные.

She has a long chin.

У нее длинный подбородок.

Read by George William Dole


About Jeff Bezos (краткие биографические сведения)


Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist.


Bezos was born as Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His mother - Jacklyn Gise, was a 17-year-old high school student. His father - Ted Jorgensen was a bike shop owner. After Jacklyn divorced Ted, she married a Cuban immigrant Miguel "Mike" Bezos who adopted her four-year-old son.


Bezos started showing scientific and technological interests from the early age.


While Bezos was in high school, he worked at McDonald's. At the same time, he attended the Student Science Training Program at the University of Florida where he received a Silver Knight Award in 1982.


In 1994, during his journey through the country from New York to Seattle, Bezos founded an online store Amazon.com. The first investment into Amazon was 300 thousand dollars.


The company began as a online book store and expanded to the sale of a large range of products and services, including video and audio broadcasts. At the moment it is the world's largest company in the field of Internet commerce, as well as the world's largest provider of Cloud services “Amazon Web Services”.


In 1999, the American magazine Time called Bezos “The Man of the Year”.


In 2000, Bezos expanded the business interests, establishing the aerospace company Blue Origin. It began testing flights to space in 2015 and plans to begin commercial suborbital flights with people in late 2018.


In 2013, Jeff bought the US publishing house The Washington Post for $ 250 million.


July 16, 2018, Jeff Bezos topped the list of the world's richest people. According to Bloomberg, Bezos’ fortune was estimated as $ 150 billion.


Jeff starred in one of the scenes of the movie "Star Trek Beyond" in the role of an alien.

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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):



scientific [ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk]



found [faʊnd]

основывать, учреждать; создавать


expand [ɪkˈspænd]

расширять, развивать


fortune [ˈfɔːrtʃən]



estimate [ˈestɪmət]

оценивать, устанавливать стоимость


scene [siːn]



Read by George William Dole


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