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hugh grant hugh grant
Hugh Grant Hugh Grand




01face 02hair 03forehead 04eyebrows 05eyes 06ears 07nose 08lips 09chin




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In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

He is around 50 years old.

Ему около 50 лет.

His hair is black colored on one picture and with grey hair on the other and his hairstyle is called spike.

Его волосы на одной фотографии черного цвета и седые волосы на другой, и его прическа называется спайк.

His forehead is sloped.

Его лоб наклонный.

He's got droopy-hooded green eyes.

У него поникшие зеленые глаза.

You can see a few wrinkles under his eyes and they become especially seen when he smiles.

Вы можете увидеть несколько морщин под его глазами. Они становятся особенно заметными, когда он улыбается.

His nose is straight and he is wearing the beard. 

У него прямой нос, и он носит бороду.

His lips are natural.

Его губы натуральные.

He has an oval face.

У него овальное лицо.

He's got narrow free-lob ears.

У него узкие, без мочки уши.

His has a square chin. 

Его квадратный подбородок.

He is well shaved.

Он хорошо побрит.


About Hugh Grant (краткие биографические сведения)


Hugh Grant was born on September 9, 1960, in London, England. His father, James Murray Grant, was an artist and carpet salesman. His mother, Fyvola Susan, was a schoolteacher who taught Latin, French and music for more than 30 years in state (1) schools of West London.


In 1982, at the age of twenty-two, Grant made his debut in cinema, starring in the tragicomedy "Privileged." In 1985 and 1986, the actor worked quite (2) a lot in TV shows and TV series. His first notable (3) success was the 1987 film "Maurice". The young actor drew (4) attention, and in 1988 he was seen in five different films at once (5).


In 1995, Empire magazine placed (6) Grant in 43rd place on the list of one hundred sexiest film stars. Hugh's breakthrough film was "Notting Hill" (1999), in which Julia Roberts also stared. The film describes (7) a romantic love story of a Hollywood star, Anna, and an owner (8) of a small bookshop by William.


In 2001, Grant starred in the film "Bridget Jones's Diary".


In 2002, Hugh starred in the British romantic comedy-drama film, "About a Boy" produced by Jane Rosenthal, Robert De Niro and others. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. The film at times uses double voice-over narration, when the audience hears both Will's and Marcus's thoughts.


After that he played in the Christmas romantic comedy "Love Actually", 2003, starring Grant as the British Prime Minister. The film was promoted as "the ultimate romantic comedy".


The actor was offered the role in the film "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (2002), but he refused (9) it, which he later regretted (10) very much.


Grant began dating actress Elizabeth Hurley in 1987. They broke up in 2000, after thirteen years of relationship. Grant is the godfather of Hurley's son, Damien.

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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):



state [steɪt]



quite [kwaɪt]

довольно, вполне


notable [ˈnəʊtəb(ə)l]



drew [druː]

привлекать, получать


at once [æt wʌns]

в одно и то же время


place [pleɪs]



describe [dɪˈskraɪb]



owner [ˈəʊnər]



refuse [rɪˈfjuːz]



regret [rɪˈɡret]



Other celebrities. 


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