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New House

The Kites lived in a small old house on busy narrow Middle Road. They were rich A22 .............. to buy a large house they dreamt of. They had been looking A23 ..............it for several months and at last they bought a mansion, a fine specimen of early 19" century architecture. Every detail was taken into A24 ..............when projecting the building. The rooms were large, with big windows facing bushes of roses which surrounded the house. The antique wooden furniture decorated the rooms. The Kites admired their purchase very much. At least they did until strange things began to happen in the house. The first incident A25 ..............the day they moved in. They were having dinner and they had to eat by candlelight as the electricity had not been turned on yet. Gwen lit the candle. "If they do not turn it on tomorrow morning, I will go to the village centre in the afternoon and make them do it," said Mr Kite. Ten minutes later the candles suddenly went A26 .............., first one, then the other. The Kites watched the light getting fainter and fainter, when at last it disappeared. "John, who has done it?" asked Gwen. "I have lived thirty years and I have not seen anything like that." John shook his head in disbelief. He tried to find some explanation to it, and then said: "I think the wind has blown out the candles." But Gwen was sure it was not the wind. First, there was no wind and then she had locked the door and shut all the windows before supper herself. They finished supper quickly but Gwen could not forget what had happened. At night she had A27 ..............getting to sleep because of strange noises she heard. After lying sleepless for some time she awoke John. He tried to assure her that there was something A28 ..............with the central heating, but it did not satisfy Gwen. She was sure that it was ghosts that were making the noises. She felt fear and could not sleep until dawn.


1) lot

2) very

3) sufficient

4) enough


1) after

2) for

3) forward

4) at


1) attention

2) possibility

3) account

4) consider


1) took part

2) originated

3) occurred

4) was happened


1) out

2) away

3) down

4) off


1) problem

2) trouble

3) embarrassment

4) complication


1) broken

2) bad


4) problem