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Roosevelt and the Great Depression

When Roosevelt became president, on March 4, 1933, and with his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, moved into the White House, the Great Depression was at its A22 worst. The American depression had begun with the stock market crash in New York City in October 1929. As a result, the banking system had collapsed. Many states had declared so-called bank holidays to A23 prevent banks from being ruined when their clients withdrew all their money. People who had been successful suddenly found themselves penniless overnight. Sixteen million or more people were unemployed, and many had been out of A24 work for a year or even longer. In 1932 nearly two million Americans were without homes moving from one locality to another. They were what Fortune magazine called the Depression's "wandering population". Whether Americans would be A25 satisfiedwith the new leadership depended on Roosevelt's success in bringing aid to those in distress and in achieving some measure of economic improvement. Roosevelt's first inaugural address, with its promise to make war upon the depression and its final phrase, "the only thing we have to fear is fear A26 itself," brought a new style to the U.S. presidency. Roosevelt was A27 confident, both in himself as a leader and in the American people. The prospect of change offered hope to the millions of people trapped in the depression. But the despair and the bitterness which people felt took time to A28 pass away.


1) beginning

2) worst

At its (one's) worst - в худшем состоянии; остальные 3 слова не могут быть употреблены в такой конструкции

3) middle

4) centre


1) not give

Не давать

2) convince

убеждать, уверять

3) prevent

предотвращать, предупреждать

4) protrude

выдаваться, выступать вперед


1) home

Be out of home - быть бездомным

2) house

Be out of house - не может использоваться без артикля (Be out of the house)

3) work

Be out of work - быть безработным

4) employment

Be out of employment - нет такого сочетания


1) glad

2) satisfied

Be satisfied with smth/smb - быть удовлетворенным чем-то; остальные 3 слова с with в данном контексте не употребляются

3) joined

4) helpful


1) us

2) ourselves

3) oneself

4) itself

Fear - неодушевленное, абстрактное понятие, поэтому здесь подходит только itself


1) confident

Be confident in smth/smb - быть уверенным в ком-либо/чем-либо; остальные 3 слова не могут быть употреблены в такой грамматической конструкции

2) honest

3) believed

4) reserved


1) pass

Pass away - исчезать

2) leave

Leave away - нет такого сочетания

3) put

Put away - откладывать (деньги)

4) keep

Keep away - нет такого сочетания (есть keep away from)