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Writing 10

You have 20 min to do this task. 
This is part of a letter from Mark, your English pen friend:

     ... We're doing a project about beliefs and superstitions in different countries. I've found a lot of information, but nobody knows anything about Russia. The only thing I know that in old times Russian people could forecast weather by some signs...
Could you write me a few  words  about  Russian superstitions connected with good luck and bad luck? Are there any funny ones? Do the superstitions about the weather really help?

Write a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 – 200 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

April 23rd, 2013

Dear Mark,        When I got your letter, I was at a loss, because I'm not a superstitious person and I could remember only a few things to be interesting.        The first one is that number 13 is very unlucky and so is the black cat. I also know that to meet a man when you go out is good luck.        Once a friend of mine put horseshoes over all the doors in his flat and we laughed a lot when some of them fell down and hit him.        It's a pity, I don't know anything about superstitions connected with the weather and if they really help or not.        Got to stop writing as mum is calling me.        Write back,

