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Writing 6

You have 20 min to do this task. 
This is part of a letter from John, your English pen friend:

     ... One of the most wonderful things I discovered last year was an electronic book. I load some fantasy books from the Internet and read them everywhere I go. It's so convenient! I've even forgotten about sport magazines I usually read.
What kind of books do teenagers in Russia, read? Do any of your friends use electronic books? What magazines are popular with teens in your country?

Write a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 – 200 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

9th May

 Dear John,        Thank you for your letter. I haven't written sooner as I was busy at school.        You know that I'm a bookworm and so are lots of Russian teenagers, who are interested in all genres of books as tastes differ. Though there are some, who don't read at all.        I think that electronic books are still a luxury and only few of my friends can afford them. On the contrary, magazines are cheap and popular reading and teens choose to read everything from fashion to sports.        Well, I've got to get back to my homework.        Write back.

