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Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А21-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST 10 ( part 3) |
The main argument used against the space programme is that the enormous amount of money it costs I could be better spent on solving problems such as poverty and environmental damage here on Earth.
Initially, this view A21 sounds persuasive, particularly when confronted with how huge the amounts of money we are talking about actually are. Surely, the argument goes, if, instead of sending I hundreds of billions of dollars up into space for a pointless walk on the Moon or a few glossy colour photographs of Mars, we channelled the funds into A22worthwhile projects on our own planet, we could solve all the world's problems in about as short a time as it A23takes for the space shuttle to circle the globe.
How appealing and - perhaps sadly - how untrue. The fallacy of that argument is in the idea that all of the money allotted to the space programme is wasted in space. It isn't. None of the money goes into space at A24 all It stays right here on Earth and is fed back into the economy.
Take the astronauts and tens of thousands of other people who are involved in whatever way with the space programme. They spend their salaries - and pay tax on them - here on Earth. That tax is used by governments to do a number of important things: build hospitals and schools,
A25provide pensions, pay for the police service and, yes, fund the space programme. Take the cost of all the spacecraft, the technology inside them and the research that's done to create that technology. All of that money goes to companies here on Earth, companies which pay tax if they A26make a profit, and pay salaries to their workers, who then pay tax to the government, which builds hospitals, etc.
Looking at it the other way round, what would happen if all the governments in the world which have a space programme A27closed their programmes down tomorrow? Would they have a lot more money to spend on other things? Only for a very short time, because along with the A28immediate savings there would be enormous costs from the increased unemployment and reduction in taxes received.
A21 |
1) sees видит |
2) sounds звучит |
3) views оценивает, обозревает |
4) hears слышит |
A22 |
1) generous великудошный, щедрый, благородный |
2) pleasant приятный |
3) worthwhile стоящий, дающий результат |
4) optimistic оптимистический |
A23 |
1) takes It takes (smb) *time* to do smth - сделать что-либо заняло столько-то времени (It takes me 20 minutes to get home; it takes time to adjust; It took him 4 hours to complete the task); устоявшееся выражение |
2) needs |
3) lasts |
4) spends |
A24 |
1) once At once - сразу же; одновременно |
2) best At best - в лучшем случае |
3) last At last - наконец |
4) all At all - совсем, полностью |
A25 |
1) provide Provide pension/military aid/housing - предоставлять,обеспечивать пенсией/военной помощью/ жилплощадью; в этих и похожих по смыслу случаях как правило употребляется provide |
2) donate Жаловать, жертвовать |
3) contribute Вносить вклад;содействовать;делать пожертвования |
4) sponsor спонсировать |
A26 |
1) make Make a profit - получать прибыль; устоявшееся выражение, из 4-х слов только слово make может быть использовано с profit |
2) build |
3) construct |
4) manufacture |
A27 |
1) finished Finish down - нет такого сочетания |
2) ended End down - нет такого сочетания |
3) turned Turn down - убавить, уменьшить; отвергнуть предложение |
4) closed Close down - закрывать, прекращать действие (предприятия, проекта, программы и т.д.) |
A28 |
1) urgent срочный |
2) immediate Незамедлительный, происходящий здесь и сейчас |
3) hurried Торопливый, поспешный |
4) fast быстрый |