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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В11-В16 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 04 (part 2)

Russia at the 2012 London Olympics


There are different opinions as to the results of the Russian team at the London Olympics. In medal-winning terms, Russia's 2012 …………………………… is better than that at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, improving from 23 gold medals to 24 and up from a total of 73 medals to 82.



But the British were more …………………………… with 29 gold medals, moving Russia into the fourth place.



The reaction in Russian during the first days of the Olympics was largely ……………………………, but then changed as more and more medals were won.



Yet, we have to admit that in some ways our sportsmen were ……………………………. For example, there were no gold medals in weightlifting this time, though we usually had had a number of them at the Olympics.



Alexander Zhukov, president of the Russian Olympic Committee, explains China's success is the following way: "They have actually copied the Soviet system of children's ……………………………."



He adds, "It is rather difficult for us to return to the Soviet system now and, besides, I doubt whether it is …………………………… in this day and age."


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