Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-20 (part 1)
B4 |
Have you got a mobile phone? Before mobile phones were developed, you could only call someone with a phone which was connected to a phone line. (past simple passive, т.к. говорится об определённом периоде в прошлом) |
B5 |
That problem meant that it was often difficult to contact people, particularly if you were on a bus or in a car. (past simple, т.к. говорится об определённом периоде в прошлом) |
B6 |
Before mobile phones, people didn’t send text messages to each other. (past simple, т.к. говорится об определённом периоде в прошлом) |
B7 |
Since they were introduced, text messages have changed the way we communicate. (present perfect, т.к. они изменились и продолжают меняться) |
B8 |
With text messages, you don’t need to actually call someone. (present simple, т.к. общее утверждение) |
B9 |
You simply type a short message and send it, being careful, of course, to send it to another mobile and not to a home phone. (Participle I, “будучи осторожной”, подходит по смысловому контексту) |
BE |
B10 |
Mobile phones used to be big and heavy. Now, they're small and light. |
B11 |
The chances are that they will become even smaller and lighter in the future. (станут) |
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