Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 01-20 (part 1)
B4 |
Charlie ran downstairs and burst into the living room. 'Aliens!' he shouted. 'Aliens are flying over our back garden, right now!' (present continuous, т.к. действие происходит сейчас) |
B5 |
His mother laughed. She had never heard anything so silly. 'Really, Charlie, 'she said. 'You know there are no aliens. Now, have you finished your homework? Iwanttoseeit.' (past perfect, предпрошедшее, т.к. она никогда не слышала ничего подобного до момента, когда Чарли забежал в комнату ) |
B6 |
'It's true!' Charlie cried. 'There are aliens outside, looking for a' place to land their spaceship!' Charlie's father looked up from his newspaper. (Participle I, “ищущие”, подходит по смысловому контексту) |
B7 |
'Now, Charlie. What's all this? I have told you so many times before ' not to tell lies. There are no aliens and they certainly don't fly down Acacia Avenue.' (present perfect, т.к. я уже сказал, и это имеет силу до сих пор) |
B8 |
'Okay,' said Charlie. 'Come and look. If there's nothing there, 'I promise I'll just do my homework.' (past simple, т.к. здесь нам не надо связывать действие с настоящим; завершённое действие в прошлом) |
B9 |
Charlie's father sighed and put his newspaper down. 'Okay, Charlie. I'll come outside with you and see if there are any aliens in our garden.' |
WE |
B10 |
'They went into the garden, but there was nothing there. 'But ... but... they were ...' Charlie began to say. His father took his arm and ' led him back inside. (past simple, т.к. единичное завершённое действие в прошлом) |
B11 |
They walked back into the living room and suddenly stopped. There were two large green creatures sitting on the sofa next to Charlie's mum, who looked very nervous. 'Hello, dear. I think we've got visitors,' she said, weakly. (Participle I “сидящие”, подходит по смысловому контексту) |
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