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English Grammar Test


Не забывайте использовать настоящее время вместо будущего в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until) . ❌ I'll call you when she will arrive. (Неправильно) ✅ I'll call you when she arrives. (Правильно) ❌ As soon as he will finish his work, we will go out. ✅ As soon as he finishes his work, we will go out.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple.


8. What he when he home? (to do, to come) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
9. Where they if the weather fine? (to go, to be) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
10. He me up when he home. (to ring, to return) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
11. If it , we at home. (to rain, to stay) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
12. She home if it too cold. (to walk, not to be) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
13. I am sure he to say goodbye to us before he St Petersburg. (to come, to leave) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
14. Please turn off the light when you the room. (to leave) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
15. If we tired, we at a small village halfway to Moscow and a short rest and a meal there. (to be, to stop, to have) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
16. If you the 10.30 train, there another at 10.35. (to miss, to be) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
17. She all the arrangements about it before she there. (to make, to fly) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
18. Before he for London, he a week or two at a health resort not far from here. (to start, to spend) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)


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