Используйте Past Continuous, чтобы описать длительное действие в прошлом, которое происходило в определённый момент. Для образования утвердительных предложений используйте 'was' или 'were' + глагол с окончанием '-ing'. ❌ I read a book at 5 PM. (Неправильно) ✅ I was reading a book at 5 PM. (Правильно).
1. I for a visa and to make two journeys to visit your country while the visa valid. (to apply) (to want) (to be)
2. They to the news on the radio when the telephone . (to listen) (to ring)
3. I for a nice pair of gloves. (to look)
4. My train in half an hour. - OK, I you to the station in my car. (to leave) (to drive)
5. I the battery now (to check)
6. Nowadays cars more and more expensive. He a higher salary. (to get) (to get)
7. A father and his son home in a car. It and a strong wind .
As they over a bridge, they a loud bang and the father control of the car.
They injured and their lives in great danger. A helicopter the father and the boy to hospital and they .
Now, the father at his son and to him, "I never my car when it . Although, I you. It very dangerous to drive when it so slippery." (to travel) (to snow) (to blow) (to go) (to hear) (to lose) (to be) (to be) (to take) (to be) (to look) (to say) (to drive) (to snow) (to promise) (to be) (to be)
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