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The bird world


There are more than 9,000 different types, or species, of birds. These have been organized by scientists into groups called orders which contain many different species. The largest order is called the passerines, also known as perching or song birds. These include common birds such as robins.



Birds are amazing creatures - the only living beings that have feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm and protect it from the wind and rain. Its wing and tail feathers allow a bird to fly.



Some birds also have very colourful feathers. This helps them to attract mates or blend in with their surroundings. This is called camouflage.



All birds lay eggs. It would be unmanageable for birds to carry their developing young inside their bodies like mammals do - they would become too heavy to fly.



All birds have a beak for eating. Hunting birds, such as hawks and eagles, have powerful hooked beaks.