Используйте Present Perfect, чтобы описать действие, которое произошло в прошлом, но связано с настоящим. Чаще всего употребляется с наречиями just, already, yet. Для образования утвердительных предложений используйте 'have' или 'has' + глагол с окончанием '-ed' (или третью форму глагола). ❌ I see this movie. (Неправильно) ✅ I have seen this movie. (Правильно).
1. With whom you this question yesterday? (to discuss)
2. I this film this week. I like it very much. (to see)
3. When I the kitchen, I that my mother at the table and some cabbage. She dinner. (to enter, to see, to stand, to cut, to cook)
4. As soon as I a cry, I out of the room and that a child on the ground and . "What ? Why you ? you yourself?" I asked. (to hear, to run, to see, to lie, to cry, to happen, to cry, to hurt)
5. They to the Hermitage last week. (to go)
6. They to the Hermitage twice this week. (to be)
7. After school yesterday he home, dinner, an article from the latest magazine and doing his homework. (to come, to have, to read, to begin)
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