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keira knightley1 keira knightley2
Keira Knightley Keira Knightley


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face    hair    forehead   eyebrows   eyes     ears     noses    lips     chin 


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In the picture you can see a woman.

Her face is round

Her hair is gathered behind her head in the first photo and blond colored. You can see her hair roots originally are brunette.

In the second photo her wavy blond hair strands fall on her shoulders. 
Her forehead is sloped.
She has almond eyes.

Her nose is straight.

Her lips are red and normal.
On her ears you see big earrings.

She has a round chin.

She is slightly smiling.

She is about 40 years old.


About Keira Knightley (краткие биографические сведения)


Keira Christina Knightley is a British actress. Keira was born March 26, 1985, London, England.

Keira's parents Will Knightley and Sherman MacDonald were actors. Keira has a brother, Caleb. Keira received her name in honor (1) of Soviet figure skater Kira Ivanova, who Keira’s father admired (2). However, at her birth registration her mother accidentally (3) made a mistake in writing the name and registered her as Keira.

When Keira was 3 years old, she asked her parents to get her a film agent. Her parents promised to fulfill (4) this request of their daughter provided (5) that she would study well. Keira carried out (6) her part of the deal very well. She always knew the answers to all the questions in school. She also raised her hand to answer teachers' questions she was always prepared despite her inherent (7) dyslexia.

When Keira was six years old, she got her own agent and by the age of seven she debuted in the movie "Royal Celebration" as a little girl.

In many respects during Keira’s career, her close resemblance (8) to Natalie Portman helped her a lot. Portman played the role of Queen Amidala in the movie "Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace (9)” (1999). After getting their movie makeup applied Keira and Natalie looked so identical that even her own mother could not see the difference.

Keira’s first breakthrough in her career occurred (10) after receiving one of the main roles in the movie "Bend it Like Beckham" (2002), where Keira played a teenage girl. Recognition (11), fame and popularity brought with it a stream of new proposals and lucrative (12) movie contracts.

In 2002 Keira entered college to study English literature and history which became incompatible (13) with her career as an actress. Although Keira left college she said that she planed to finish her studies later.

In 2003, Keira Knightley played the leading female role in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". The appearance in the movie in the company of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom made the actress even more popular.

The main role in "Pride and Prejudice" in (2005) brought a Best Actress nomination at the Academy Awards. She also stared in "Anna Karenina" (2013), in which she starred as the title character (14).

Knightley has been in a relationship with musician James Righton since February 2011. They were married on 4 May 2013. The couple has a daughter who was born in 2015.

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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):



honor [ˈɒnər]



admire [ədˈmaɪər]



accidentally [ˌæksɪˈdentəli]

случайно, нечаянно, непредумышленно


fulfill [fʊlˈfɪl]



provided [prəˈvaɪdɪd]

при условии


carry out [ˈkæri ˈaʊt]



inherent [ɪnˈhɪrənt]



resemblance [rɪˈzembləns]



menace [ˈmenəs]



occur [əˈkɜːr]

происходить, иметь место


recognition [ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]



lucrative [ˈluːkrətɪv]

прибыльный, выгодный, доходный


incompatible [ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl]



title character [ˈtaɪtl ˈkærəktər]

главный герой/героиня



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