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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами А22-А28 соответствующими формами слов. 

Policeman Amateur

When Jack was a little boy, he always wanted to be a bus driver. His father hoped he would A22 gointo the family business, and his mother would like him to be a doctor. But Jack was not interested in it. He loved buses — all kinds of buses. He loved the way they looked, the smell of the diesel fuel, and most of all, the wonderful noise they made. When he was fourteen, he went on his first real holiday — a bus A23 trip to the south of England and back. And when he left school two years later, lie went straight into the Highland Bus Company. Now Jack was one of the Company's most experienced drivers, working on the main route. This morning was fairly typical: he had eight passengers on A24 board, and would probably A25 pick up one or two more on the way. They were about twenty minutes late (Jack stopped for a cup of tea and a chat at the canteen), but it did not matter. "Late" was not a word of any great importance in the Scottish Highlands. Jack leaned forward a little in his seat and smiled. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining on the loch, and the bus was running beautifully. Jack changed gear as they started tip the long hill towards Clandonald Castle. Suddenly he sat up. A woman in a blue car was driving slowly past him and he clearly saw a pair of man's legs sticking out of the boot! Jack immediately decided to chase her. He realized that the woman was driving to the Clandonald Castle, too. Jack signaled to her several times but she A26 tookno notice of him. Finally Jack put his bus in front of her and A27 made her car stop. "What's the matter?" the woman asked. "You have a body in the boot!" Jack said. There was a loud laugh from the boot. "But I am alive," the voice said. "I am a car mechanic and I am trying to find the A28 cause of a strange noise in the back of the car."



1) join

2) keep

3) go

Go into business - "пойти" в бизнес, заняться бизнесом; устоявшееся выражение

4) get


1) travel

путешествие (какправило, употребляется в словосочетаниях)

2) trip

поездка (туда и обратно)

3) journey

путешествие, поездка

4) voyage

морское путешествие


1) aboard

Aboard - на борт (употребляется в словосочетаниях:погрузить на борт, добро пожаловать на борт и т.д.)

2) bus

On A bus -на автобусе (прям); только с артиклем

3) board

On board - на борту, в салоне (автобуса и т.д.)

4) vehicle

On А vehicle - на транспортном средстве (прям); только с артиклем


1) keep

2) look

3) turn

4) pick

Pick smb up/up smb - брать пассажира, подвозить; из 4-х слов только pick может употребляться с smb up/up smb


1) took

To take no notice of..- не обращать внимания на..; не замечать; устоявшееся выражение

2) paid

3) devoted

4) attracted


1) got

2) made

Make smb/smth do smth - заставить кого-либо/что-либо сделать что-либо; единственное из 4-х слов, которое может употребляться в такой конструкции

3) tried

4) forced


1) origin

Происхождение, начало

2) cause

Причина, основание; то, что привело к тому, что что-то случилось (очень скользкая разница с reason)

3) reason

Причина, повод; то, из-за чего что-то случилось, мотив (очень скользкая разница с cause)

4) source

Первоисточник, источник


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