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The SETI Project

Do you believe in aliens from outer space? Well, one organization, the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), has been looking for aliens for the past 43 years. The A22 .............. began in 1960 when astronomer Frank Drake set out to detect radio signals from space. He believed that if intelligent beings were out there, they would be using radio, and these signals might be A23 .............. up on Earth. Frank Drake even wrote an equation — now known as the Drake equation — to A24 .............. how many alien races galaxy might be trying to contact us. His guess is that there are around 10,000! In 1977, a powerful signal came from A25 .............. space. It was recorded at the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. Jerry Eliman, a volunteer and a professor at a local university who was checking the computer the following morning was so startled by what he saw that he wrote "Wow!" A26 .............. to the signal printout. This signal is known as "Wow!" signal. Unfortunately, the signal was never repeated and scientists were left wondering. Today, millions of people from all over the world are helping SETI search for alien signals. You, too, can A27 .............. part in this project - just download a special programme from the http:setiahome.ssl.berkeley.edu/. When your computer is A28 .............., the programme will search for radio signals from space.


1) race

2) search

3) looking

4) watch


1) taken

2) brought

3) picked

4) looked


1) convince

2) estimate

3) give

4) value


1) wide

2) broad

3) deep

4) high


1) next

2) near

3) beside

4) closely


1) show

2) bring

3) get

4) take


1) idle

2) not work

3) busy

4) out