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Walt Disney

Walt Disney's name is known around the world, but even better known are the characters which he created — Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and countless other cartoon personalities. Disney was an American cartoon A22 artist and producer of animated films. Born in Chicago, he left school at the age of 16, but later studied A23 briefly at art schools in Chicago and in Kansas City. In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in Hollywood in partnership with his brother Roy О. Disney with a capital base of $280. While Walt and his staff of artists were A24 responsible for creating the animated cartoons, Roy was engaged in the management side. This division of authority worked remarkably well. From 1926 to 1928 Disney produced a cartoon series, Oswald the Rabbit, for Universal Pictures. Steamboat Willie, produced by Disney's own company, had synchronized sound for the first time in an animated cartoon. The cartoon starred Disney's most popular cartoon character, Mickey Mouse. Disney himself defined the kind of personality which Mickey would have and for 20 years A25 provided the falsetto voice which Mickey had. Disney originated the feature-length cartoon with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and followed it with other feature-length films, such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Bambi. In the 1950s and 1960s, Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., was one of the major producers of films for theaters arid television. The company was A26 involved in the publication of children's books and comic strips, most of them featuring such characters as Donald Duck and Pluto, the dog. In 1955 Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., opened a huge amusement park called Disneyland in California. Having historical reconstructions, displays, and rides, it became a famous tourist A27 attraction. Meanwhile, in addition to cartoons, the company made several documentary films, including The Living Desert and Secrets of Life. Beginning in 1950 the company made such live-action films as Treasure Island, Robin Hood, and Mary Poppins. During his career as a film-maker Disney received 26 Academy A28 awards.


1) actor


2) artist

художник, творец

3) entertainer

эстрадный артист; тот, кто развлекает

4) worker



1) shortly

коротко, кратко

2) little

Мало (с неисчисл)

3) a few

Мало (с исчисл)

4) briefly

Сжато, мимолетом


1) busy

2) accountable

3) responsible

Be responsible for smth/doing smth - быть ответственным за что-либо; остальные 3 слова не могут быть употреблены в такой грамматической конструкции

4) working


1) provided


2) realized


3) said

сказал ( не может быть употреблено здесь грамматически)

4) told

сказал ( не может быть употреблено здесь грамматически)


1) aimed

Be aimed in smth - нет такого сочетания

2) busy

Be busy in smth - быть занятым в чем-либо

3) involved

Be involved in smth - быть задействованным в чем-либо

4) included

Be included in smth - быть включенным во что-либо


1) place

2) attraction

Tourist attraction - туристические достопримечательности; устоявшееся выражение

3) guide

4) agency


1) awards

Academy Awards - премия "Оскар"; устоявшееся выражение

2) rewards

3) medals

4) recognitions