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Briar-Rose or Sleeping Beauty

Long ago there lived a king and a queen and never a day passed but they said, 'Oh, if only we had a child!' and yet they never had one. Then it happened one day when the queen was taking her bath that a frog crawled ashore out of the water and A22 .............. to her, 'Your wish is to be granted; before a year is over you will give birth to a daughter.' It happened as the frog had said, and the queen gave birth to a little girl of such beauty that the king was so happy that he ordered a great feast. He invited to it not only his relatives and friends and acquaintances but also the wise women of the land, in the hope that they would show the child affection and favour. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but because he had only twelve golden A23 ..............for them to eat from, one of them had to stay at home. The feast was celebrated with great magnificence, and when it was over the wise-women gave their magic gifts to the child: one gave her virtue, another beauty, a third wealth, and so on, A24 ..............she had everything in the world you could wish for. Just as the eleventh of them had spoken her spell, the thirteenth suddenly entered. She meant to A25 ..............revenge for not having been invited, and without greeting or looking at anyone she A26 .............. out in a loud voice, 'In her fifteenth year the princess will prick herself on a spindle and fall dead.' And without speaking another word she turned her A27.............. and left the hall. Everyone was horrified, but then the twelfth wise woman, who still had not uttered her wish, stepped forward: she could not A28 .............. the evil spell but only lessen its effect, so she said, 'But it will not be death the princess falls into, only a deep sleep lasting a hundred years.'


1) talked

2) said

3) spoke

4) told


1) cups

2) knives

3) forks

4) plates


1) though

2) despite

3) till

4) before


1) take

2) make

3) put

4) keep


1) said

2) spoke

3) cried

4) cursed


1) head

2) back

3) neck

4) hand


1) refuse

2) persuade

3) cancel

4) stop