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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами А22-А28 соответствующими формами слов. 

Customs and Traditions

In the United States most people celebrate their birthdays on the day of the month they were born. Birthdays are celebrated with family and friends. Invitations are sent for a party and mothers usually cook birthday cake decorated with candles. The number of candles A22 representsthe age of the birthday person. After the candles are lighted, the person A23 makes three wishes and then blows the candles out in one breath so the wishes will come true. Everybody sings "Happy Birthday" and wishes the person health and long life. It is A24 traditionalto bring or send birthday cards and gifts to the birthday person. Many people send flowers; other gifts may be clothing, books, or perfumes. There are birthstones and flowers for each month of the year which can also be A25 appropriate presents. Parties for children are usually held at home. At children's parties, children A26 wear birthday hats and get souvenirs from the birthday child. Sometimes birthdays are celebrated at school in the classroom with classmates. Mothers bring cake, candy, and refreshments for the whole class. Some parties are catered at restaurants. Parents reserve a special room for the birthday group and supply the refreshments and decorations. Some birthdays are special. Girls have a special celebration for the sixteenth birthday, called "sweet sixteen". The eighteenth birthday is important because it is the legal A27 voting age. The legal age for driving and drinking alcohol A28 varies with each state.


1) is


2) represents

изображает, символизирует

3) considers


4) resembles

имеет сходство


1) think

2) does

3) makes

Make a wish - загадать желание; устоявшееся выражение

4) realizes


1) custom

обычай (Это существительное, здесь должно быть прилагательное)

2) usually

обычно (Это наречие, здесь должно быть прилагательное)

3) generally

в общем (Это наречие, здесь должно быть прилагательное)

4) traditional



1) appropriate


2) necessary


3) needed


4) distinctive

отличительные, характерные


1) dress


2) wear

носить (об одежде)

3) bear

выносить (страдания и т.п.)

4) carry



1) election

2) voting

Voting age - возраст, когда можно голосовать; устоявшееся выражение

3) own

4) middle


1) differs

отличается (всегда идет с дополнением differ from smth/smb)

2) different

другой (это прилагательное, здесь должен быть глагол)

3) varies


4) similar

подобный (это прилагательное, здесь должен быть глагол)