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The ‘All Blacks’


Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand. The country even has a Rugby Museum. The game was played there as early as 1860s.



The game spread quickly. Soon New Zealand’s national team appeared. It was called the "All Blacks" and not because of the colour of the players’ skin.



They got their name because all the men in the team wore black shorts, shirts, socks and shoes when they played rugby.



In 1884 they went to New South Wales, Australia to play and won eight games! It was the first international competition for them.



Before a rugby match, the "All Blacks" dance a special Maori war dance. The Maoris are the New Zealand aborigines. It does not mean / doesn’t mean that all the players in the team are Maori but they all perform the dance.



Today the most popular player is Jonah Lomu. He is a living legend of New Zealand rugby.



He was just 19 when he started playing for the "All Blacks" in 1994 and became the youngest player in Rugby history.