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Writing 17

You have 20 min to do this task. 
This is part of a letter from Phil, your English pen friend:

    ... At my mate's party I tried to repeat a few break-dance moves. Suddenly my trousers ripped from back to front and fell down on the floor! Now I would think twice what to wear if I ever went to any of my friends' parties!
Do you always know beforehand what to put on? Is it necessary to find out what to wear for different occasions? Who do you usually consult about your clothes?

Write a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 – 200 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Russia 5th February

       Dear Phil,        Thank you for your letter. I laughed a lot reading about the incident at the party. It's obvious that you should've known beforehand what to put on.        I usually know what activity I'm going to have, so my clothes fit the situation. If it's something I'm not familiar with, I ask those who can give me a good piece of advice.        My mother and elder sister have perfect taste (and piles of fashion magazines). They're the ones whom I can consult and whose choice I trust.        Well, can't write any more: it's my turn to clean the room.        Write soon.





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