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Why do people decorate a tree on Christmas?


Have you ever thought about it? The custom of decorating a house with tree leaves or branches in December is actually older than Christmas itself.



The ancient Romans celebrated a December feast, called Saturnalia, by giving presents and decorating their houses.



At the same time, pagans in Germany worshipped a sacred oak tree. Then, when Christian missionaries taught them to celebrate Christmas, they used a fir tree.



These customs stayed alive on Germany for many centuries, and in 1840, they were brought to England by in German prince.



Mothers and daughters


We are a family of three. Most of the cooking in our house is done by my husband, but sometimes I make dinner.



One day it dawned on me that our four-year-old daughter was willing to help me, but she did not offer/didn't offer to help her father. I asked her why.



"Well, Mom," she said, "Dad seems to know what he is doing in the kitchen."


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