[Shack Forms] Init failed

English Grammar Test


Не забывайте использовать настоящее время вместо будущего в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until) . ❌ I'll call you when she will arrive. (Неправильно) ✅ I'll call you when she arrives. (Правильно) ❌ As soon as he will finish his work, we will go out. ✅ As soon as he finishes his work, we will go out.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple.


1. If I him, I him about their letter. (to see, to tell) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
2. We at our place when my brother back from Africa. (to gather, to come) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
3. I this song with you if you me the words. (to sing, to tell) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
4. I hope you us when we in our country house the next time. (to join, to gather) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
5. What you when you home? (to do, to come) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
6. When they the road, they the hotel. (to cross, to see) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
7. Before she to the theatre, she past the shopping centre. (to get, to go) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
8. What we if it tonight? (to do, to rain) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
9. What she if she her best friend again? (to do, to see) (Future Simple и Present Simple - условие будущего времени)
10. If the bus very crowded, you exhausted by the time you to work. (to be, to be, to get) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)
11. If it very cold tonight, our car in the morning. (to be, not to start) (Present Simple и Future Simple - условие будущего времени)


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