English Grammar Test


Используйте Present Perfect, чтобы описать действие, которое произошло в прошлом, но связано с настоящим. Чаще всего употребляется с наречиями just, already, yet. Для образования утвердительных предложений используйте 'have' или 'has' + глагол с окончанием '-ed' (или третью форму глагола). ❌ I see this movie. (Неправильно) ✅ I have seen this movie. (Правильно).

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous и Present Perfect.


14. He us nothing about it. (to tell)

15. She them some stories about dogs. (to tell)

16. We two lessons to-day. (to have)

17. They a meeting. (to have)

18. She yet. (not speak)

19. They me several questions. (to ask)

20. He already the rule. (to learn)

21. I an exercise. (to write)

22. What he ? (to do)
– He a newspaper. (to read)

23. you any stories by Jack London? (to read)

24. I the telephone right now. (to answer)

25. He his car and now he any trouble with the brakes anymore. (to fix) (not to have)

26. You just tomorrow's weather forecast. (to hear)

27. I this interesting book lots of times. (to read)


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