English Grammar Test


Используйте Past Continuous, чтобы описать длительное действие в прошлом, которое происходило в определённый момент. Для образования утвердительных предложений используйте 'was' или 'were' + глагол с окончанием '-ing'. ❌ I read a book at 5 PM. (Неправильно) ✅ I was reading a book at 5 PM. (Правильно).

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.


13. What she at the moment? (to watch)

14. I my friend in the street yesterday, but he for a bus and he time to speak to me. (to see) (to run) (not to have)

15. What your son ? (to do)

- He computer science. (to study)

16. What you at this weekend? (to do)

17. When she the door, a man on the doorstep. (to open) (to stand)

It her uncle, but she him because he dark glasses. (to be) (not to recognize) (to wear)

18. Last night we to a cafe to meet our friends. (to go)


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