[Shack Forms] Init failed

English Grammar Test


Глагол to be в английском языке – это неправильный глагол, который означает «быть», «находиться», «являться». Он изменяется в зависимости от времени, числа и местоимения. Формы глагола to be в Present Simple (настоящее простое время): I am (Я есть), You are (Ты/Вы есть), He/She/It is (Он/Она/Оно есть), We are (Мы есть). They are (Они есть).

Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.


1. What your name? - My name Anya. (Question form of the verb 'to be' in the present tense)
2. What your address? - My address Oxford Street, 45. (Question form of 'to be' with 'address')
3. Where you from? - I from London. (Question and affirmative form of 'to be')
4. Who he (in the photo)? - This my father. (Question about identity with 'to be')
5. What his name? - His name John. (Possessive form and 'to be')
6. Where he? - He in London. (Question and affirmative form of 'to be')
7. I Lena, and this Kolya. He my brother. He 10 years old, and I 12 years old. We from St. Petersburg. (Affirmative sentences with 'to be')
8. I a student. I at school. (Occupation and location with 'to be')
9. My brother an artist. He not an engineer. (Affirmative and negative form of 'to be')
10. My sister at work. She a doctor. (Location and occupation with 'to be')


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