[Shack Forms] Init failed


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST  26 ( part 3)

A Day on the Tennis Court

   Our next opponent in the tennis league, Richmond, came to the match with a dreadful record of 0 wins, 5 losses. The interesting thing about Richmond was their captain. Every captain has a different personality in this league, but I have been warned about Mikhail being a 'A22 handful '.

   We hosted Richmond on Saturday. Some of their players, who had paid large A23 dues to be a member of their club, seemed annoyed that they had to play on our public courts, a far A24 cry from the quality of the typical private club. As their players took the court, Mikhail grabbed a measuring tape out of his bag and measured the height of the net. He complained that the net was a half inch too high and demanded that we drop it. I felt A25 like saying, 'Look, your team is 0-5, does it really A26 matter?',but instead I lowered the net to his satisfaction.

   Due to Mikhail's complaints, we started the match about fifteen minutes late. Later in the match, four points into a game, Mikhail called out the score '40-15.' 'No, no. The score is 30 all,' I said, approaching the net. My partner nodded in agreement.

   After a long argument and attempt to recall all of the points in the game, we could only remember three points. I said, 'The rule in this case is that we play from 30-15, the specific points in the game we all agree on.'

    'No,' Mikhail said, shaking his head. 'As server, it's my call and I say the score is 40-15. That's the rule.'

    Mikhail went on to win his service game. Then, I started my next service game by shouting the score '40 - A27 love'.When Mikhail put both hands on his hips in clear protest, I said, 'As server, it's my call.' And the congeniality went down from there.

   We went on to win the match. Afterwards, I learned Mikhail is one of those league players who always have an A28 excuse for a loss.


1) hurtful

Не существ.

2) boastful

Не существ.

3) handful

Кто-либо или что-либо, создающий проблемы, трудности

4) cupful

Полная чашка


1) dues


2) fee


3) price


4) expenses



1) distance

2) way

3) cry

A far cry - большая разница; устоявшееся выражение

4) fly


1) want

2) need

3) love

4) like

Feel like doing  smth - быть склонным, не прочь, хотеть; устоявшееся выражение


l) mean

Не может быть употреблено без дополнения

2) matter

Иметь значение

3) important

Не глагол

4) necessary

Не глагол


l) love

ноль, нулевой счет; остальные три слова нельзя применить к спортивной тематике

2) like

3) zero

ноль (в математике)

4) nought


1) answer


2) apology


3) excuse


4) objection
