№ | Word | Meaning | Example | Translation |
1 | to own | [əʊn] | She owns a luxury car. | владеть |
2 | to cheer up | [ˈtʃɪər ʌp] | A joke can cheer up the mood. | ободрить |
3 | to serve | [sɜːrv] | They serve food quickly. | служить, обслуживать |
4 | to deal | [diːl] | He deals in electronics. | торговать |
5 | to deceive | [dɪˈsiːv] | Don't let anyone deceive you. | обманывать |
6 | to stun | [stʌn] | The news stunned everyone. | оглушить, ошеломить |
7 | an area | [ˈeərɪə] | This area is famous for its beauty. | область, район |
8 | a profit | [ˈprɒfɪt] | The company made a huge profit last year. | прибыль |
9 | to lack | [læk] | They lack experience. | не хватать |
10 | a fee | [fiː] | The lawyer charges a high fee. | плата, гонорар |
11 | a boss | [bɒs] | Her boss is very supportive. | начальник, босс |
12 | to convince | [kənˈvɪns] | I tried to convince him to join us. | убеждать |
13 | to develop | [dɪˈvɛləp] | They are developing new software. | разрабатывать |
14 | to prepare | [prɪˈpeər] | She is preparing for the test. | готовить(ся) |
15 | intact | [ɪnˈtækt] | The vase remained intact after the fall. | неповреждённый |
16 | to forbid | [fərˈbɪd] | The rules forbid smoking here. | запрещать |
17 | to receive | [rɪˈsiːv] | She received a gift yesterday. | получать |
18 | to lease | [liːs] | They leased a car for the summer. | сдавать напрокат |
19 | to rent | [rɛnt] | We rented a flat in the city center. | брать в аренду |
20 | a success | [səkˈsɛs] | The project was a great success. | успех |
21 | a thought | [θɔːt] | She shared an interesting thought with us. | мысль |
22 | a consent | [kənˈsɛnt] | He gave his consent to the plan. | согласие |
23 | a team | [tiːm] | Our team won the competition. | команда |
24 | an enterprise | [ˈɛntərˌpraɪz] | The new enterprise opened last month. | предприятие |
25 | a factory | [ˈfæktəri] | This factory produces shoes. | фабрика |